Local Energy Company Makes it Big in Blighty

A South Australian company’s successful expansion into the United Kingdom will provide a model for more local businesses to follow its lead, as the State prepares for a stronger economic relationship with the nation through AUKUS and the new Free Trade Agreement.

Trade and Investment Minister Nick Champion will meet with Energy Exemplar in London today, to learn more about their international success story in innovation and hi-tech – and how other South Australian companies can learn from them.

Energy Exemplar was supported by the Department for Trade and Investment and the Office of the Agent General to expand its operations overseas – today they will provide a snapshot of how government support can help drive business outcomes.

The company’s software solutions are an example of how South Australia is reimagining electricity grids as the globe transitions to renewables and target dispersed networks.

Energy Exemplar’s work dovetails into the State’s globally recognised leadership in renewable energy, and its Hydrogen Jobs Plan.

Today’s discussions will also include representatives from the National Grid – which delivers electricity and gas in the UK to over eight million homes – and their partners.

They will provide an update on UK trends and opportunities, while the Minister will share the Malinauskas Labor Government’s priorities for a hydrogen industry and developing a decarbonised electricity grid.

The story of South Australia’s renewable energy transition serves as an enticing environment for international investment.

As the State continues to strive to achieve 100% net renewable by 2030, with forecasting from the Australian Energy Market Operator suggesting that by 2025/26 the State’s energy network could be 85% renewable.


Attributable to Nick Champion

Energy Exemplar is a great example of a South Australian success story, making it work on an international scale.

We want to learn from their insights as we prepare to deliver on our role in the AUKUS deal and following the announcement of the commencement of the A-UKFTA.

Our leadership in renewable energy is globally recognised and will hold us in good stead as we move forward on strengthening our economic relationship with the UK.

With corporations seeking to honour their environmental, social and governance obligations, South Australia – as it continues its journey to net 100% renewables – has a unique selling point and one we are all too happy to share on the international stage.

Attributable to David Wilson, CEO at Energy Exemplar

I’m looking forward to strengthening our ties with the South Australian government and expanding our role as a key software provider on critical infrastructure like large-scale power and gas networks. We are also excited that UK National Grid will be using Energy Exemplar’s scalable PLEXOS SaaS solution which is hosted in the Microsoft Azure Cloud.

Source : South Australia

AUKUSAustraliaEnergyNewsNick ChampionUnited KingdomUnited States