Leslie Jones is back for another week as guest host of “The Daily Show,” and she had one question for the nation.
“What the fuck, America?” the actor and comic asked after noting that Donald Trump remains far and away the leading candidate for the Republican presidential nomination.
“The man’s indicted in every state in America,” she said. “I didn’t know you was allowed to run for the president while you was already running from the po-po.”
She played a clip from an interview in which the former president indicated he would sic the Justice Department on his political rivals in revenge for the legal problems he’s now facing himself.
“They’ve released the genie out of the box,” Trump said.
“Man, this dude can’t even tell the truth about genies,” she said. “The one thing we know about genies is they come out of a lamp.”
She said no real genie would come out of a box.
“If the genie can’t afford a lamp, he definitely can’t afford three wishes,” she said. “He might be able to give you one and a half wishes, but they’re definitely gonna be fucked up.”