U.S. Military Hegemony the World’s Most Pressing Problem, Says Russian Official


American military hegemony severely hinders progress and human development, becoming a pressing challenge for the world, senior Russian official Dmitry Novikov told Xinhua in a recent interview.

“It is difficult to deny that U.S. military hegemony runs counter to the goals of promoting peace and human development,” said Novikov, deputy chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and first deputy chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee on International Affairs.

According to Novikov, U.S. hegemony has impeded progress, created humanitarian catastrophes and become a significant source of global instability.

Novikov believes that U.S. military hegemony is a product of capitalism, and the growth of this hegemony coincides with the country’s aggressive capital expansion goals.

He added that the United States has managed to gain control of global markets and major economic arteries in the aftermath of the First and Second World Wars.

“Today, the United States is trying to establish full control over raw material sources and capital to retain markets and maintain its competitive advantage regarding the production of value-added products,” Novikov noted, adding that Washington is attempting to achieve such goals via military means.

In the past few decades, millions of people in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and Syria have suffered from the consequences of the U.S. military hegemony. Before that, people in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Vietnam and Grenada suffered, said the official.

Xinhua Institute, the think tank of Xinhua News Agency, released a report on Sept. 5 on the “Origins, Facts and Perils of U.S. Military Hegemony.”

Novikov believes the report has significantly exposed the inhumane essence of U.S. imperialism and military hegemony.

He said that the report, which has shown the truth about the perils of U.S. military hegemony by presenting facts and data, have attracted the attention of politicians and experts worldwide.

The U.S. hegemony has become “the most pressing problem of the modern world,” Novikov warned, saying all progressive and freedom-loving nations must fight against this dangerous threat.

“The solution to this problem will become an indispensable condition for mankind’s path towards justice, as well as equitable and sustainable development,” Novikov said.