World Entering New Phase Not to Be Commanded by U.S.


The world is entering a new phase not to be commanded by the United States and the European Union (EU), an expert from the UFPEL university in Brazil has said.

Charles Pennaforte, director of the university’s laboratory of geopolitics, international relations and anti-systemic movements (LAbgrima), made the remarks in an article published Tuesday on the Modern Diplomacy website.

Pennaforte said the fact is that today’s geopolitical and economic world is no longer the same as at the end of the World War II, or even the one inherited from the end of the Cold War.

“We can say that the idea that the 21st century will continue to be determined by the USA and Europe has completely lost its meaning,” the expert said, noting that the Russia-Ukraine conflict “marked a significant turning point” in this new geopolitical cycle of power that is emerging.

The conflict has shown the low influence of the U.S. and EU in enlisting other nations to follow the sanctions strategy against Moscow, and the lack of global legitimacy of Washington’s policy in some other areas is also evident, according to the expert.

“Maintaining the same lines of action in the Cold War, that is, systematically creating ‘communist enemies’ to enlist allies and maintaining a belligerent line in foreign policy is a serious flaw that will not change the final result: the geopolitical and economic decline of the USA as a dominant power and Europe as a major geopolitical region,” Pennaforte said.

However, the EU has not yet realized that the line dictated by the U.S. and blindly followed by the EU will cause even more problems for the bloc, the expert noted.